Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Wonders of Cornbread

On Saturday I had planned to make cornbread to go with leftover chicken. It was also laundry day, and Kirby offered to make the cornbread while I sorted the laundry and started the first load. It was nice to not have to cook for a change :) Anyways, we were using a recipe I had found that doesn't call for flour, just lots of cornmeal. As I can't have wheat and have to rotate my other grains, I like the idea of as few grains in a recipe as possible, to give me more options for the next 3 days. We had to swap the sugar for stevia, but otherwise it was a Rexxie-friendly recipe :)

All I can say is holy cow, it was AMAZING! Kirby had potatoes and mushrooms as well, as it was part of the leftover chicken recipe, but as I can only have potatoes once a week I didn't, I just had extra cornbread. And by extra, I mean I may have gone slightly overboard... We finished that cornbread in a matter of 24 hours, and I easily had 2/3 of it. I think it had a bit to do with the fact that it was the first real bread I had eaten in over a month, and I just couldn't get enough! I mean, I got a loaf of paleo bread, made from coconut flour instead of grains, because it was the only bread we could find that I can have. I'm really not a fan of it though; it's so dense I feel like I need tons of water to wash it down, and even then I get that feeling like it all got stuck partway down my esophagus. And it has a flavor that just really doesn't go quite right with pbj (with unsweetened jelly of course), tuna salad, or eggs. Though I did have the idea yesterday to sprinkle it with cinnamon and stevia, cut it into pieces, bake it, and use it as a cereal (which would be the first cereal I'd have since I discovered last month that I can't do wheat; Shredded Wheat was the only cereal I had found that I could have). As it's so dense, I feel like soaking it in milk (nut milk that is) would do it some good. It's at least worth a try. I've also had some gluten-free pancakes now and then, but they don't even compare to the thick, crumbly amazingness of the corn bread.

I hadn't realized how much I've missed bread until I started eating the cornbread. So I have decided to try and discover a good bread recipe, and just make my own bread for sandwiches and stuff. Even more ideal would be to find 2 bread recipes using different grains but that still taste good, so I can have a sandwich every other day :)

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